👉 Figma Board: https://www.figma.com/file/3ZCVPOfoQUVaTkkUIrNgkh/Future-Foundation---Community-Call---006?node-id=0%3A1
Recording: https://www.dropbox.com/s/77msxlftcmqkmu1/Future Foundation - Community Call - 006.wav?dl=0
Key Points:
- Our hello world post is live! Please share the news with your networks. https://future.mirror.xyz/NyVYBL_a2zPsLSaYsBfX2ADHSGTQ2ITA_b9z0Ha0gqE
- One of the proof points that we'd like to see before transitioning this community into a DAO is to see if we can come together on a few tangible projects (e.g., spinning up a web3 x social impact accelerator, authoring joint articles on the web3 x social impact space). This will be the major priority for us in the near future.
- A few items:
- We've reorganized the discord server to make it easier to find ways to get involved today.
- Check out #3│how-to-get-involved to find ways to get plugged in right now.
- Also check out the new program area channels to work with other ppl on specific projects.
Member Updates
- Angel Protocol has a campaign running through December aimed for raising $50m for sustainable charities. Check it out and go support them!
- Kimbal Musk launching Big Green DAO. Raises a lot of concerns. Could be opportunity for this community to react.
Helping Wall
- @iodave: would like to think through the legal structure of FF as it moves into a DAO. Follow up with @james and @kendra
- Josh Chamberlain: PDAP needs help getting grants + hiring developers to build a product! + generally learning about tokenomics : ). Follow up with James and Kendra.
- @Kendra: Need help with tech space - tokenomics, blockchain tech, etc. Currently drafting white paper - but some holes. Follow up with Mike VP
- @balasky: Impact is launching on Dec 7th! Ask: 20-min interview to get feedback on the platform.
Supporting web3 x social impact causes and organizations
Goal: recruit 4 to 6 web3 x social impact orgs for the initial accelerator cohort