As many of you know, we've been going over what it means to convert Future Foundation into a DAO over the last few weeks. We explored the why, the what, and the how. Now, it's time to make it real.
Key Points
- We are going to convert Future Foundation into a DAO!
- If networks move at the speed of trust, we’ve done a good job of building trust in each other as individuals. Now, it is time to build trust in our ability to come together and tangibly support web3 x social impact orgs and the broader ecosystem.
- You can look at the Figma board for all notes and materials from all of the sessions. You’ll see our mission, our core beliefs, our design principles, our initial focus areas, and proposed structure.
- As we designed the structure for the DAO, we took John’s comments on designing for momentum and creating a "semi-permeable membrane" to heart. :) This means that we're going to create three access tiers for the DAO: contributor, community, public.
- In this first season as a DAO, we’re going to focus on building an accelerator program that supports web3 x social impact organizations.
Action Items
Big thank you to everyone who raised their hands and offered to lead or support work in these different areas!